Arturo Arranz ☕️

Arturo Arranz

👋 Hi, there! I’m Arturo, a machine learning engineer at Uizard.

Check out my resumé and portfolio below

Modeling EEG with HMM and Directional Distributions

Modeling EEG with HMM and Directional Distributions

Can we predict what someone sees by looking at electric brain activity? We approached this problem by modeling EEG data with directional multivariate distributions and Markov Chain Models

Semidefinite programming for graph clustering

Semidefinite programming for graph clustering

Convex relaxation techniques to make the graph-cut problem(NP-hard) computationally feasible while keeping high performance. Real world application for community detection in graphs

Sketch to prototype

Sketch to prototype

At Uizard, I worked building a pipeline to turn handwritten mockups into digital designs

Inverse Covariance Selection via ADMM

Inverse Covariance Selection via ADMM

Distributed computing for high scale optimization problems via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers(ADMM)